cancel free trial
I need to cancel my free trial
Multipe attachments with data
I need to upload multiple pictures and I need the data extracted from them, how do I do this
Bad Gateway Error (code: 1000)
I got this error when try to call api with jpeg
Using the API Extractor
The API Post to Extractor looks all good. When execute the Post gives me Extract ID not found error, although the Extract ID and Token is already provided as is from Web Dashboard.
csv download required
Need a csv download instead of this possible or available
Image to Text
Am trying to exctract iage to excell but i cannot the link is now working keeps on saying the site cannot load
how can download extracted data into excel
Extract data from an url
Can I get the data if i input pdf url or image url?
You don't have any information that I can find about your company or what the cost of using your product will be over time. Before our company takes the time to understanding your solution we need to know who we are working with and what the terms and conditions and your privacy policy. Please provide this information.
API for upload file and extract in json format
We have to upload file api to formx and api to get upload file in json for line items for purchase order