csv download required

Need a csv download instead of Json...is this possible or available

Image to Text

Am trying to exctract iage to excell but i cannot the link is now working keeps on saying the site cannot load


how can download extracted data into excel

Extract data from an url

Can I get the data if i input pdf url or image url?


You don't have any information that I can find about your company or what the cost of using your product will be over time. Before our company takes the time to understanding your solution we need to know who we are working with and what the terms and conditions and your privacy policy. Please provide this information.

API for upload file and extract in json format

We have to upload file api to formx and api to get upload file in json for line items for purchase order

Converting PDF plain-text To JSON

I want to build an application that would use your API to convert a plain-text PDF file into JSON. The PDF file format will not change but the content on the form will change, about 5000 forms per year. The form will have several data regions, each region is basically a data table or rows and columns. Depending on the PDF form that is being converted, some will be several pages when one of more of the data regions have many more rows. I see that your AI model is based on training template to get accurate results. Besides needing to understand how I would setup testing your solution, I need to understand your pricing plans. Can you have someone contact me to answer my questions?


Jpg. To Excel

Extracting from multiple tables on single page

Hi. I have use-case as follows: 1. Extract 6 data points from 4 identical grids on each single page. The grids are well-structured but are NOT in rows/columns. The documents are native PDF but I suppose I could convert from PDF to JPG or another 'photo' format. 2. Each document is comprised of anywhere from 10-100 pages. Each page will be identically structured. 3. I need output in a table form where ideally all of the data of each type will come in a single column. So, in the case of a 100 page document, the ideal output would be 6 columns (one for each type of data) and 400 rows - 100 pages x 4 instances of each data per page. Worst case, I would be OK if got 24 columns (each of the four instances of each type of data on each page treated as a separate item) x 100 rows. Can formx handle this use case? I tried to do myself and almost immediately got tripped up. I would be happy to send back a sample of the kind of document I'm working with. Thank you.

Using custom PFD extractor online.

Hi I have made a custom extractor for a PDF of a book, using samples of the book to train it and other samples to test it. The extractor shows the PDF and a JSON file. I am not sure if the JSON file contains the actual knowledge in the book that a GPT can access. If not, can you please assist? Assuming it does work, how do I use this extractor on your website to test it on the entire book? Sincerely, WLG