
Send the image with a POST request to the Extract API endpoint and FormX will recognize the information from the document.

FormX will use the extractor of your choice to extract and return the data in a JSON format. The extractor can be specified by the form_id parameter. An Access Token should also be included. They can be obtained from the web portal dashboard.

Postman Example

You can download the following file and import it to the Postman app to test the API. Remember to set the X-WORKEN_TOKEN and X-WORKER-FORM-ID variables in the collection scope to configure your form.

Image Sizing Recommendations

The images submitted to the extraction API should be of sufficient size so that the text and features can be easily distinguished.

The API supports JPEG, PDF, and PNG image types. It is recommended to use an image minimum of 1000x750 pixels or 100 DPI.


The file size of the image is 10MB.

The image dimension limit is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels.

Using the Asynchronous mode

If the request takes too long to complete, you can use the asynchronous mode to avoid timeout. This can be enabled by the async parameter either in the multipart/formdata.

Job ID

If the async job is successfully created, a 202 Accepted response will be returned with the job_id.

202 Accepted 
  "status": "ok",
  "job_id": <string>,

To get the extraction result, please refer to Get async extraction result

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!