ID Liveness Detection (Beta)

ID Liveness refers to the detection of presentation attack when an identity document is presented in the digital onboarding (e.g. KYC). When the user capture their ID using the mobile device's camera, a printed image, or image displayed on a digital screen are considered high risk of fraud.

FormX provide detection models to these common spoofing types:

  1. Color Copy
    • This involves scanned images, or scanned images printed on paper in color.
  2. Greyscale Copy
    • Scanned copies in greyscale
  3. Screen Replay
    • Photos of IDs displayed on the screen of another device.


This is a Beta feature, please contact support to enable it for your account

Start using ID Liveness Detection

1. Create an extractor

In the Portal, select "Fixed Layout Extractor" when creating a new extractor.

2. Enable ID Liveness

  • In the "Manage Rules" tab, select "International ID" under "Document Type"
  • Enable "ID Liveness"
  • Press "Save" to confirm the changes

3. Using the extractor

You can go to the "Test Extractor" tab and upload images for testing or go to the "API" tab to see integration options.


When ID Liveness detection is enabled, the following attributes can be found in the extraction result. The data object contains the simple boolean values, and the confidence level can be found inside the detailed_data object.

is_color_copyID is printed on paper in colorboolean
is_greyscale_copyID is printed on paper in greyscaleboolean
is_screen_recaptureID is presented on a electronic screenboolean

Example JSON output

  "status": "ok",
  "metadata": {
    // metadata of the extraction job..
  "documents": [
      "extractor_id": "EXTRACTOR_ID",
      "metadata": {
        // metadata of the document..
      "data": {
        "is_color_copy": false,
        "is_greyscale_copy": false,
        "is_screen_recapture": false
      "detailed_data": {
        "is_color_copy": [
            "confidence": 0.971471169963479,
            "extracted_by": "prebuilt.id_liveness",
            "value": false,
            "value_type": "scalar"
        "is_greyscale_copy": [
            "confidence": 0.9670849181711674,
            "extracted_by": "prebuilt.id_liveness",
            "value": false,
            "value_type": "scalar"
        "is_screen_recapture": [
            "confidence": 0.9666324183344841,
            "extracted_by": "prebuilt.id_liveness",
            "value": false,
            "value_type": "scalar"