Import and Export Extractors

Extractors can be exported for archiving and sharing with other users.

Export an Extractor

  1. Select the extractor in the FormX Portal and open the edit tab
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab in the right panel
  3. Click "Download as ZIP" to download it

Export a Combined Extractor

  1. Select the combined extractor in the FormX Portal and open the Editor
  2. In the "Edit" tab, click "Download as ZIP" at the top-right corner to download it

Import a Form

Import as a new Form

  1. Go to the Extractors page in the portal and select "Create new Extractor"
  2. Select the Import Extractor
  3. Select the ZIP file from your system
  4. Done! Your extractor is imported!

Import and replace an existing extractor

You can import a extractor to replace an existing extractor. The form will keep the same Form ID. This is useful when performing an update.

  1. Go to an existing extractor
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab in the right panel
  3. Click "Import from ZIP" and upload a ZIP file
  4. Done! Your extractor is replaced by the imported one!