
Extracts amount, merchant informations, transaction details from receipts

Receipts is one of the extractors come pre-built in FormX.

Supported receipt data

Here is a list of items supported

Item nameFormatDescription
Total AmountNumberThe total amount of the transaction
SubtotalNumberThe amount of the transaction without discount and tax. Usually labelled as "Subtotal"
DiscountNumberDiscount, either percentage or discounted amount as printed on the receipt
Transaction DateYYYY-MM-DDThe date of transaction
Transaction TimeHH:mm:ssThe time of transaction
Invoice NumberStringInvoice number or receipt number as printed on the receipt
Merchant NameStringName of the the merchant i.e. the issuer of the receipt
AddressStringAddress of the merchant
WebsiteString (URL)Website of the merchant
TelephoneStringTelephone number of the merchant
FaxStringFax number of the merchant
Enter TimeHH:mm:ssEnter Time as printed on the receipt, usually on receipts issued by restaurants and bars
Leave TimeHH:mm:ssLeave Time as printed on the receipt, usually on receipts issued by restaurants and bars
Number of personNumberNumber of person/pax as printed on the receipt, usually on receipts issued by restaurants and bars
Product Line InformationNestedThe lines of purchased items, each line contains the product name, quantity, unit price and line total
Payment Name (Payment Method)StringThe payment method as printed on the receipt
Payment Card NumberStringThe payment card number, usually with format like ****1234
Payment DetailsNestedThe payment breakdown as nested items, each line of payment contains the payment method and the payment amount. e.g. A $100 transaction can be paid by $70 in credit card and $30 in cash.
Retrieval Reference Number (RRN) (Coming Soon)StringThe reference number to uniquely identify a card transaction based on the ISO 8583 standard
Authorization Code (Coming Soon)StringA five- or six-character alphanumeric code from the issuing bank to the vendor, that authorizes the sale.
Receipt Type (Coming Soon)Array of StringsA array of values that describe the nature of the receipt:
- paper: The receipt is printed on a paper
- digital_wallet: the image is a screenshot of a digital wallet on mobile device
- apple_pay_screenshot | android_pay_screenshot | payme_screenshot | alipay_screenshot | wechatpay_screenshot: the image is a screenshot of the corresponding digital wallet app

How to add a receipt extractor

  1. Log in to the FormX Portal.
  2. Go to the Extractors page and click on "Create new extractor."
  3. Choose "Receipts" and give your extractor a name.
  4. Your extractor is now set up! To test it out, simply drag and drop a receipt photo into the "Test" tab to view the extracted result.

Configure the fields to extract

By default, not all fields are enabled. To add or remove fields from the API response, navigate to the "Edit" page and select the necessary fields. Keep in mind that the number of fields enabled will impact the processing time of each image.

Select the items to extract from the list and click on "Save"


To incorporate the extractor into your system, use the Extract API. For more information, please refer to the API Reference.