Teams and Server Location

Teams allow users to collaborate and share resources. You can assign team roles to team members to restrict their permission.

Create a Team

  1. In the team selection dropdown, select "New Team"
  2. Enter the team's name and server location

Server location specifies where your data is stored and processed. It cannot be changed once set. The current available locations are Taiwan and Singapore.

Create a new team account

Create a new team account

Invite a team member

  1. Select "Manage Team" from the side bar
  2. Click "Invite"
  3. Enter the invitee's email and their team role

The invitee will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation. The invitation is valid for 72 hours. To change or send a new invitation, delete the current invitation and send a new one.

Invite a new team member

Invite a new team member

You can also assign a new team role to a member after they accepted the invitation.

Assign a new team role to a member

Assign a new team role to a member

Team roles and their permissions

Here is a list of the available team roles and their permissions.

PermissionAdminEditorRead Only
View Subscription and UsageYYY
View Team membersYYY
View Extractor configYYY
Copy Extractor ID and Access TokenYYY
View Workspace configYYY
Copy Workspace ID and Access TokenYYY
Edit Extractor configYY-
Create/Delete ExtractorsYY-
Create/Delete WorkspacesYY-
Edit Workspace settingsYY-
Upload Files to Workspace from the portalYY-
Change SubscriptionY--
Add/Remove Team memberY--